NewsReader: the developers story

Our role at ScraperWiki is in providing mechanisms to enable developers to exploit the NewsReader technology, and to feed news into the system. As part of this work we have developed a simple REST API which gives access to the KnowledgeStore, the system which underpins NewsReader. The native query language of the KnowledgeStore is SPARQL – the query language of the semantic web. The Simple API provides a set of predefined queries which are easier for end users to work…

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Diving into the NewsReader data

What could you do to unlock the potential of six million automotive news articles? Together with the rest of the NewsReader consortium, SynerScope will organize two hackathons where you can showcase your skills. The hackathons will take place the 21st and the 30th of January in Amsterdam and London respectively. Participating hackers will be able to explore data extracted from more than six million news articles relating to the global automotive industry. These news articles have been processed in the…

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More than a waste paper bin: the data for From Porsches to Pizza

A car metaphor seems in place to start: the NewsReader engine is a true gas guzzler, with an extreme thirst for raw data. We quenched this thirst by selecting and delivering several millions of news articles covering the global automotive industry for the NewsReader infrastructure to process and enrich. A big chunk of this ‘NewsReaderised’ data set will be used for the hackathons in Amsterdam and London, late January.   Why automotive? Not because all NewsReader contributors are car nuts (some…

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The Technology Behind “From Porsches to Pizza”

On 21 and 30 January 2015, the NewsReader team will organise hackathons in Amsterdam and London, respectively. During these hackathons, participants will get to explore information that was extracted from several millions of news articles about the global automotive industry using the NewsReader pipeline. In this blog post, we’ll explain the technology behind the NewsReader pipeline to give you an idea of the types of information you can find in this dataset. The data processing pipeline is made up of…

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Hackathon NewsReader London (Jan. 30, 2015)

Porsches to Pizza – Hack 6,000,000 automotive news articles #NewsReader The global automotive industry has a value of the order of $1 trillion annually. The industry comprises a massive network of suppliers, manufacturers, advertisers, marketeers and journalists.  Attracting and supporting the industry is a significant goal of industrial policy. On January 21st we’re running an event which should be of interest if :- You’re a data journalist on an automotive desk; You’re an analyst sifting daily news looking for information…

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Hackathon NewsReader Amsterdam (Jan.21, 2015)

Porsches to Pizza – Hack 6,000,000 automotive news articles #NewsReader The global automotive industry has a value of the order of $1 trillion annually. The industry comprises a massive network of suppliers, manufacturers, advertisers, marketeers and journalists.  Attracting and supporting the industry is a significant goal of industrial policy. On January 21st we’re running an event which should be of interest if :- You’re a data journalist on an automotive desk; You’re an analyst sifting daily news looking for information…

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NWR Organises SemEval 2015 Task 4: TimeLines

Thinking beyond event extraction is at the heart of the research being carried out at NewsReader. To assess and advance the state of the art in ordering events, we are organising a SemEval shared task around creating TimeLines. Specifically, SemEval-2015 Task 4: TimeLine: Cross-Document Event Ordering (pilot task). We have made available a set of annotated documents with associated events and timelines for participants to develop a temporal event ordering system on. During the SemEval evaluation period (5 – 20 December 2014), we…

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Computational Models of Narrative (CMN’14)

Last week the 2014 Workshop Computational Models of Narrative took place in Quebec City, Canada and Marieke was there to present and discuss ideas for shaping the NewsReader narratives. This year’s workshop had a special focus on Neuroscience, but really all sorts of domains got covered in the three day workshop. Whilst at first some of the topics seemed quite far from NewsReader (after all, it is rather unlikely that we will put people in fMRI scanners to measure their appreciation of…

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NewsReader World Cup Hack Day

A long time ago*, in a galaxy far, far away** we ran the NewsReader World Cup Hack Day. *Actually it was on the 10th June . **It was in the Westminster Hub, London. The NewsReader project has been running for about 18 months, so we are half way through. We’d always planned to use Hack Days to showcase the technology we have been building and to guide our future work. The World Cup Hack Day was the first of these…

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KnowledgeStore Web-site

Visit the KnwoledgeStore web-site (, now publicly accessible!! You can access source and binary code (released under the terms of the Apache Licence v 2.0), documentation, background knowledge datasets, demos, and publications.

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