- Network Institute Yearly Event 2012 NewsReader announcemen
- Grounded Annotation Framework, presented at the NAACL 2013 workshop on Events and at the ISWC 2013 Posters & Demos Track
- 10 June London Hackathon announcement and NewsReader LREC 2014 flyer
- IXA Pipeline: Efficient and Ready to Use Multilingual NLP Tools [Paper at LREC2014]
- Discovering and Visualising Stories in News [paper at LREC2014]
- Hope and Fear: How Opinions Influence Factuality [paper at LREC2014]
- CROMER: a Tool for Cross-Document Event and Entity Coreference [paper at LREC 2014]
- SemEval2015 Task4 – TimeLine: Cross-Document Event Ordering [Short teaser presentation at SemEval2014]
- KnowledgeStore ISWC2014 and EKAW2014 poster
- KnowledgeStore ISWC2014 and EKAW2014 Minute Madness slide
- FBK-HLT-time: a complete Italian Temporal Processing system for EVENTI-EVALITA 2014 [poster at EVALITA 2014]
- Event Factuality in Italian: Annotation of News Stories from the Ita-TimeBank [poster at CLiC-it 2014]
- Nieuwe Namen Leren Linken [Poster at TiNT 2014]
- Amsterdam Hackathon Programme [January 21 2015]
- ESO: A Frame-Based Ontology for Events and Implied Situations [Poster at CLIN25]
- ESO: A Frame-Based Ontology for Events and Implied Situations [handout]